Audex Manual
Welcome to Audex manual.
Here you can read that how to use various functions of Audex.
Shared Sound Scheme
By using shared sound scheme, you can put your sounds to a predefined folder on the internal storage and Audex will automaticly pick them out.
This scheme is very useful in case you are willing to share your schemes with rest of the world.
just zip that folder, and share with anyone you wish!
Receiver will only need to extract the folder on to appropriate location and voila!
Audex will pick the sounds automaticly!
So, how to use this feature?
- Open Audex,
- Go to more options menu,
- Choose 'Audex Settings' from the menu,
- Choose: 'Set the Events for Audex should Respond' button,
- Event settings screen will open
- Go to 'Current Sound Scheme' dropdown,
- Choose 'Shared'
- Accept the storage permission if it's your first time of selecting this scheme and you are using the OS equal to or grater than m
- Shared sound scheme will be selected,
- Now, it will automaticly load the files from that predefined folder named 'Audex' which is present on your internal storage.
- If the sounds are not present for any event in that folder, or the folder is empty, It will load the default sounds.
(Please put your sounds to Internal storage\Audex folder.)
Now if you want to share your scheme, just zip Internal storage\Audex Folder, and share it with anyone.
The receiver will just have to unzip the folder at the same location.
Note: the sounds should reside in the root of 'Audex' folder, not in any subfolder.
In the next heading, you can read the sound naming convenssions for the events.
Sound Extention Support and Naming Convenssions for Events
'Shared scheme' supports 5 popular audio formats:
.ogg, .wav, .mp3, .mid, .m4a.
If there are multiple files with the same name but are having the different extentions, then the first extention from the above list will take presidence.
Below is the list of the sound naming convenssions(Note: please read the names carefully and take care of the uper and lower case):
- Click event='click'
- Touch event='touch'
- Touch Cleared event='touchCleared'
- Focus event='focus'
- Long Press event='longPress'
- Scroll event='scroll'
- Gesture Begin event='gestureBegin'
- Gesture End event='gestureEnd'
- Select event='select'
- Window State event='windowState'
- Charger Plugged event='chargerPlugged'
- Charger Unplugged event='chargerUnplugged'
- Screen On event='screenOn'
- Screen Off event='screenOff'
Audex Priority
If Audex is conflicting with your screen reader, then you can use this feature.
Just reduce/change the priority of Audex:
- Open 'Audex',
- Go to 'more options' menu,
- Choose 'Audex Settings',
- Choose 'Audex Priority' dropdown
- select the priority according to your choice and experiment with the different values
- After selecting the priority, turn 'Audex' off from the accessibility services and turn it on again
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